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Services pertaining to coastal structures include the assessment and rehabilitation of existing coastal structures and the design of new structures from concept through to final engineering design.  Examples of coastal structures include seawalls, revetments, breakwaters, groynes and jetties.

SJL Engineering Inc. employs state of the art desktop methods and numerical models to understand complex coastal processes affecting the shoreline.  The study of coastal processes includes the assessment of waves, water levels and storm surge, coastal currents, harbour hydrodynamics, ice loading, sediment transport and beach morphology. 

Permitting and regulatory processes can be time consuming and difficult to understand when considering developments and construction projects along the shoreline.  SJL Engineering Inc. provides assistance in understanding the regulatory requirements and restrictions affecting your project, and in the filing of permit applications with relevant regulatory bodies.


SJL Engineering Inc. has performed dozens of shoreline hazard assessments for public and private landowners throughout the Great Lakes, including the assessment and delineation of appropriate flood, erosion and dynamic beach setbacks based on accepted technical standards and provincial policies.


SJL Engineering Inc. provides a variety of services related to construction including assistance with project tendering, drafting of construction documents including construction drawings and specifications, material sourcing, cost estimates and construction oversight.


Field investigations are a critical component of any coastal engineering project, beginning with ground and aerial photography of the site.  Together with our strategic partners, SJL Engineering Inc. performs structural inspections and offers a variety of data collection services including topographic and bathymetric surveying, substrate mapping, and measurements of waves and waterl levels.

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